Call Shop


Call Shop

The Smart Call is a device for setting up booths in call shops for calling via VoIP as as PSTN with 4 modules.

The setup consists of the following

Display Unit: Smart Call with a LCD display with 2 lines; 16 symbols each (Cyrillic or Latin), one per booth, 4 delivered in the standard package for setting up 4 booths total

Distribution Unit Smart Call – 1 per system


  • Ethernet HUB – 1 per system
  • Telephones, for example EUROLINE-805 - one per booth, 4 total in the system (standard package)
  • Analog phone adapter (MICRONET, Cisco ATA, Linksys, etc.) – 1/2 per system (depending on the number of call booths. Each adapter requires a separate IP address.

The Smart Call Software Package supports

  • 8 call booths
  • practically unlimited number of prefixes (dial access codes), up to 34 rate zones and 180 prefixes (up to 9 digits)
  • practically unlimited number of ‘cashiers’ for the calling booths, each one with separate billing
  • remote monitoring of the call booths via the internet
  • supports a flexible rate scheme – depending on high/low traffic, workdays/weekends, holidays, discounts
  • does NOT require a permanent internet connection for billing of calls
  • what you see on the display is what the customer pays, guaranteeing a smooth transaction between the customers and the cashiers (owners of the call center)

Additional Functions:

  • Remote configuration of the call rates and reading the accumulated data
  • Blocking of the call destination not entered in the call rate tables
  • Showing of B-number, containing all digits – done in a detailed excerpt
  • Possibility for “Zero Rate” for pre-determined destinations
  • Separate charging of the different calls form the same call booth
  • “Hotkeys” for working with the menus

Example of a Display Unit.